Prophetic Insights
But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” 1 Corinthians 14:3 (NKJV)
The Spirit of the Lord would say, “I have created stepping stones, stepping stones to where I want you to be, stepping stones that would elevate you in the Power, in the Anointing that you have not walked in before. I have created a path. You are not upon your path as an accident, but I have created a pathway just for you to take you into the realms of My Glory. It is up to you as individuals to walk on that path, to step on those stones and to rise up into a realm of Glory that you have never known before. As you submit yourself unto Me you will see My Glory. You will see My Anointing come upon your life. You will see My Power made manifest. Many have said, ‘but why Lord is it taking so long? Why have I waited these years and I have not yet seen what I thought I would see?’ I say, it is up to you. No one is holding you back. No one is causing you to lag behind. It is in your authority to rise into the realms that I have called you. It is not another one’s job to do that for you. I have called you to rise up. It is your relationship with Me. It is your walk with Me that takes you where you need to be. The more you give of yourself, the more you submit unto My will, My plan, My purpose, the higher you are going to go in My Kingdom. Rise up into My Kingdom. Rise up and realize there is a realm of Glory we have not yet touched. Rise up in that Glory and the Lord then will do His work and you will see it. You will know the manifestation. Refuse to become stagnate. Refuse to linger in a place never moving forward, never understanding more, and never recognizing that which I have placed into your being. If you do that which I am telling you to do, then you will become all that I have created you to be. No man, no woman can hold you back. They cannot keep you from entering into your place. You must have a humble spirit, a humble attitude, and seek Me with all of your heart. Have I not said, ‘When you seek Me with all of your heart I will be found of you?’ So, enter into that realm. Enter into that place. It is up to you to do that,” declares the Lord.
“No bondage is too great, declares the Lord. No enemy so strong but what I have come to set free. I have come to set My people free. I have come to deliver. I have come to cause the powers of darkness to move back. I know you and I recognize the faith within your heart, the faith within your life. I am moved by your faith. I am moved by the Anointing that rests upon you. Nothing can hold you back. Nothing can stop that which I have planned and purposed for you. If you will rise up in faith, if you will refuse to doubt, if you will refuse to listen to the powers of darkness, but apply My Word in your life, no weapon that is formed against you will make a way even to prosper. I will make the way. I will remove the hindrance. I will cause you to have the Anointing upon your life in such a way the enemy will fear you. He will fear your words. He will fear who you are. If you stand on My Word, if you speak My Word, the enemy will have to move back. The Anointing will destroy every yoke that has come against your life, for I will move. I will show you the way. I will talk to you and I will even give unto you the things that you have never seen before, revelation knowledge of My Word, power of My Spirit that you have never walked in. It is the hour for a new day in your life. It is the hour for new things in your life. It is not that which has always been, but it is the hour for My people to shine. You will shine. You will shine and others around you will see it and recognize, and they will know that you are different even from those in the world because of My Anointing upon you. Because of My Spirit, you will meet a man, you will meet a woman and you will begin to talk you think about the things of this world, but suddenly it shall go into the prophetic and you will begin to speak the need that is in their life. You will begin to even witness unto them and they will know that God is in you of a truth.”